Friday, February 14, 2014

Day 1

I knew getting into the detox program that it was not going to be a simple process.  I expected that there would be a hunger for my usual foods that I would not be able to satisfy and I knew that I would experience headaches due to my enjoyment of caffeine refreshments.  I expected a hard walk through the next 21 days but to be honest with you day 1 was not that bad.  I will not lie and say that it was a life-changing experience right off the bat but instead it was a feeling of accomplishment that I did make it through day 1. 

For day one I started off with the required supplements and snacked on veggies and fruits every other hour just to satisfy my grumbling stomach.  Everything wasn't too bad and that is when the mid-point of my day came along and with it came a small, yet annoying headache.  I was expecting this and knew that taking an Aspirin or Advil was out of the question so I kept myself busy with my daily tasks.  That evening the headache grew worse and it because almost like a migraine.  I did drink more than the required amount of water and I did eat until I was satisfied but my body craved the missing caffeine that I spoiled it with for some many years.  That night's sleep was restless and uncomfortable.

My advice to anyone that wants to do this detox is to give yourself 2 weeks prior to the starting date to wean yourself off of caffeine drinks.  This will help with any potential headaches or discomfort.

I've been told that day 1 is not so bad but day 2 through 4 are the worse so we shall see.

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