Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Day 16-21

The day has come and the end is here.  The last few days I discovered were the hardest (not including the first two days where I had a headache the entire day).  Now these days were hard not because of headaches or the food, they were the hardest because you are so close to the finish line that you start feeling that itch that makes you want to cheat just a little.  There were nights when the fish, rice, and mushroom dinner was starting to look like something left over from dinners past and the thought of a cheeseburger or even a simple sandwich would be heaven right now.  It was even harder when you have a daughter that loves her PB&J's and as I was making them for her the leftover PB on the knife was calling to me like fresh blood on a pricked finger to a hungry Vampire.

Day 16 -20 went by slowly just because it was the end of the detox and I knew that on that last day I would be ready for something new.  During this time you will really be tested but I found that by keeping yourself focused on the days to come; i.e. new eating habits for after the detox, a grocery list for the upcoming week, and a new exercise plan.  I was walking everyday with having one day off and I was now accustomed to the healthier eating lifestyle.  I just kept telling myself that in these last days that you will be tested but be strong because the final weigh-in is right around the corner and the last thing you want is to gain weight right before the finish line arrives. 

Day 21 was a great day, almost like the day before your birthday.  I sat back a planned what dinner I wanted and the first "treat" that I was going to have; it was a fun thought, activity, and realization all wrapped into one as the hours ticked by.  At the end of it all, on the 21st day, I did feel better.  It was nice not having to rely on my sweet tea in the morning, and it was wonderful hearing people tell me that I looked as if I lost weight.

One of my co-workers told me that we don't lose weight, we donate it to the universe because if we lose something then there is a possibility that we can find it again.  If we donate something then the chances of it returning to us are a lot less likely.  I liked that idea and I liked it even better when I did my final measurements and weight.  I lose an inch in my waist and my belly and I lost a total of 15 pounds.  I do have a little more energy but I think that's because I not lugging around 15 extra pounds and I have noticed that my need or desire to eat has gone away; I don't snack as much.  The best thing that I think about now is that I know how to eat better without the extra cravings, I don't need my sweet tea every morning, and I don't need my hunger crutch (my gum).  I will be able to save money on my grocery bill and I am on a healthier path to reaching my overall goal weight . 

Now for those that may ask if I would ever do this again, to be honest, I am not sure.  I loved the benefits of my first detox but I'm not sure if I would be able to go through another 21-day Detox.  But on the other hand, one of the benefits of the detox is flush the body of toxins and unwanted sugars (as well as other things) so that would be worth it; a kind-of reset for the body.  So to answer that question...I would just have to wait and see how I felt in 6 months when I am able to do another Detox.